Your New handphone in future? might be......

1. model : Nokia Morph 9898i


One of the most striking concept phones we've seen is Nokia's Morph. Made of flexible materials that mimic the suppleness of spider's silk, the handset will -- as the name implies -- morph between what looks like a traditional mobile phone and a bracelet. Tapani Ryhanen, head of strategic research at the Nokia Research Center in Ruoholahti, Finland, calls Morph a shape shifter.

2. Murazzo X-trailz M2


Handphone's microphone is shaped like a ring and slips on the end of your pinky. The speaker is another ring that slips on your thumb, and a circular phone controller and radio sit on the back of your hand, held on by elastic string at your wrist and middle finger. Anyone who's ever motioned toward their mouth and ear with outstretched fingers to imitate making a call will know how to use Handphone

3. P-Packet 9988IOI

pper_sm.jpg ---------> packet_sm1.jpg

The Packet is deceptively simple. Fold open the top and bottom squares and it's like a traditional flip phone with a speaker and screen at the top, a microphone at the bottom, and dial pad in the middle. But when it's time to write an e-mail or surf the Web, you fold open all of the phone's edges to reveal a cross-shaped smart phone. There's a split keyboard at the sides, a pointer at the center and a screen at the top for viewing e-mail, Web browsing or anything a smart phone can do.

4. EMWave 793XU


Tomorrow never die. In one way, it's like the self-winding watches of the 1960s -- it's got a built-in series of weights, rotors and springs that generate power whenever it's shaken or moved. That power, in turn, runs a generator that charges the battery.Other creative approaches to power are also emerging. For instance, a recent patent granted to Apple points toward a unique approach to a solar phone. The device's screen would generate power with invisible photovoltaic layers that would gather the sun's light -- or a room's artificial lighting -- and turn it into electricity.

This will happen when people hate Dell, IBM, HP, Gates

Computers come in many different flavours, but apparently that ain’t enough for everybody. Case modding - the modification of a computer chassis - has become a big hobby for thousands of enthusiasts around the world. We present you the 10 finalist of KISS (keep it slumpy and stupid) computer junk

Dynamic tower; powered by sun and wind

Italian architect David Fisher is building his first skyscraper, the Dynamic Tower, and it happens to be one of the most ambitious construction plans since the Pyramid of Khufu. Every floor of the 80-story self-powered building rotates according to voice command, and nearly the entire structure of the $700 million building is pre-fabbed. I caught up with the architect in New York, and he blew my mind again and again.

Fisher was inspired to design the Dynamic Tower during a visit to a friend's top-floor Midtown Manhattan apartment. "I had a view of the Hudson River and East River at the same time, it was beautiful and I wanted to make that feeling accessible to more people." He loves the idea of seeing the sun rise and set in the same room, and considers the building to be four-dimensional. "Time is always changing the shape of the building," he told me.

The rotation takes up to 3 hours (so you're not always spilling your coffee), and gets power from photovoltaic solar cells and 79 wind turbines, one located between each floor. The system is meant to create enough energy to power to the entire tower and still have juice to spare for some surrounding buildings. According to Fisher, two of these $700 million futuristic scrapers are planned so far, one each in Dubai and Moscow. They will be built using a truly radical technique.

Construction on the Dynamic Tower will be unlike anything that preceded it. The only part of the tower built on site will be the skinny center core. It is strong enough to hold the floors in place, and will con

tain the building's elevators, which transport people and cars right to their door. Each floor will be made piece by piece in a factory in Italy—a throwback to Fisher's previous life in prefabricated bathroom design—and placed onto the core using a lift system. With this method, each story is completed in about six days. By comparison, traditional ground-up methods can take six weeks per floor.

Groundbreaking for Dynamic Towers in Dubai and Moscow is expected to happen in the fall, with construction reaching completion by the end of 2010. If you're game—and very, very loaded—you can sign up now for a villa or office space. The going rate is $3000/sq foot.

So cheap aaa you iphone 3G...why?

I can bet you that most of people league in this world would be very surprise to hear that apple will come out with their latest model , iphone 3G, only for USD199. Hey, can you believe that? Is if they are trying to import hug recon product from china and reassemble to become great warrior of apple kingdom. To save etheir repo actually.

Just imagine la. compare with HTC Touch diamond (USD 786) or even nokia N96(USD 855), apple model is far more cheaper than these two. Huh, mcam bagi barang lawya jek...

There are two main reasons Apple can charge so little for the new iPhone.

First, mobile phone service providers will subsidize the handsets by paying Apple about US$300 per unit, iSuppli estimates. The other reason is the low cost of materials going into the handset.

Apple did such a good job choosing components for the new 3G iPhone that it costs less to make than the old version, despite significant improvements, iSuppli said. The old iPhone cost $226 to make and did not include 3G nor GPS (global positioning system). Yet Apple sold the original iPhone for $499 initially.

The most expensive component on the 3G iPhone is the 8G bytes of NAND flash memory storage, at $22.80, followed by the touchscreen at $20, iSuppli estimates.

In all, the chips and other components in the handset add up to $164, and then iSuppli estimates Apple is paying another $9 for assembly of the device, for a total of $173.

Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, the world's largest contract electronics manufacturer, is making the new iPhone at factories in China.

The market researcher calls its estimate a preliminary one based on a "virtual teardown" of the new iPhone. The estimate is based on information available about the new handset. Once the 3G iPhone is on the market, iSuppli plans to open one up to figure out the make and model of each component inside, to more exactly determine the cost of the handset.

The initial estimate also does not include the cost of software development, shipping, distribution, packaging and accessories included with each iPhone.

memang le kalau kat US murah..pastu bile sampai sini..huhuhuhu...mau jejak RM 30000.oo. yela...goment nak makan tax sikit..kastam nak makan tax ananda krishnan tak masuk lagi...huhuhuh...macamana la kawe nak tuka handphone baru kalau macam nih...nasib baik handphone tak on(start) guna petrol....kalau tak...gelak abih le petronas....bonus leh cecah 18 bulan ...huhuuhhh

Try this; you might have huge petrol saving

Well… Maybe not exactly that good but lets see what we can do

Can you afford not to drive? Most of us depend on cars for some part of our daily lives. By using some easy Hypermile (or fuel efficient driving) tricks you can beat your car’s EPA rating and save some dollars. Here are ten easy things you can do to boost your MPG…

10 Hypermile Tricks:

1. Use Lighter Grade Engine Oil

imageUsing more viscous engine oil (10W- 30, 10W-40) may not mean better lubrication. The thick oil may not penetrate all the small spaces in you engine and requires more energy to push it around (think Syrup vs KY). Go for the 5W-30 or less.

2. Lose the Extra Pounds

All the junk in the trunk means your car (like your girlfriend) has more to pull around. For every 100lbs of stuff in your car you lose 1-2% fuel efficiency. This one’s easy; you don’t need the ski boots, wetsuit, and mountain bike for visiting grandma at the nursing home.

3. Idling is Negative MPG

I often thought it took more gas to start the engine than to let it idle. Baloney. Turn the car off if you will be stopped for a few minutes.

4. Make Your Ride Sleek

image Take off the roof rack or bike rack; it’s costing you 5% from your MPG. If you use it on the weekend, put it on during the weekend. Check out for some more aerodynamic tricks to make your ride less of a drag.

5. Brake Less

Every time you put on the breaks you have to eventually gas it again. Look ahead, plan, and pace so you get the most out of your accelerations. Don’t race 200yds to the next stoplight.

6. Skip the Premium Octane

Most cars can run on the minimum rated octane gas. Using higher ratings will cost you more and will pollute more.

7. Slow Down, but Not Too Slow

imageMost highway MPG rating are based on 48-60mph speeds. We all go faster than that (except for that guy in the passing lane going 45mph with his blinker on for 50 miles). Driving 70mph instead of 55mph can cost 17% loss in fuel economy.

8. Get it in High Gear

If you have a manual car, get it to your cruising gear without tachin’ up the engine. Try to shoot for the low end of your RPM range, shift sooner, and cruise in a high gear to keep your car from the gas sucking RPMs.

9. Use the Cruise

Using cruise control whenever possible will mean your acceleration and speed maintenance will be more efficient. Also, using the built in acceleration button will allow you to gradually speed up, which is more efficient than crushing that pedal down.

10. Beat the Congestion Waves!

imageStop and go traffic is killer on gas. By anticipating rush hour stop and go waves you save for yourself and maybe even those around you gas (not to mention your sanity).

Check out Traffic Wave Experiments!

Want to save more money, gas, and reduce emissions at the same time? Don’t drive at all! Bike it, walk it, run it…even rollerblade it around town! Also, check out public transportation options.

Do we really realize on this?

huh..really tiring. Thinking of the current scenario in my beloved country, Malaysia.It is kindda tsunami which is trying to hit not only to the ground, but also to the top of the current elected government, Barisan Nasional. Really surprising. Everybody talk about their defense. Try to be very stronghold on the ground that they are standing right now. Well, I am not going to be biased or participate to any of side of those parties, rather just trying to give my own opinion on what happen to our beloved country, Malaysia. Just after general election anything has changed, not anly dramatically, but also drastically. On the UMNO side, they trying so hard to kill each other (between party members i meant), though they strongly deny that (huh, like you old folks try to explain to a group of syndrom-down boy).UMNO as the party leader in Barisan Nasional still cant understand the real politics. They still fighting in their dream. Well, I dont to talk so much on MCA and MIC because I can say they well manage their party though they lost majority of their support among people. Okay, come back to UMNO ( which I mean Paklah, Mahathir, Najib and Anwar Ibrahim).
Heheheh.. why I should say Anwar is part of UMNO. I believe that yall already heard the rumous about possibility fo anwar to join back his black pearl in order to lead the ship.hheheh...I dont want to drag on that issue, you can think by your self. The real fighting actually between UMNO and PKR, while others, huh waiting you both to die la....hope UMNO can think deeply why they lost in huge amount, and not only to stand on the stupid position as if you are dealing with slumpy and immatured group.Look at MCA, MIC, DAP, PPP, they dont have major conflict of interest, and even they have, they try to settle down professionally. Just put aside PAS for the moment because they are the universal not like others.
Huh.. I dont know until when this scenario will end. Maybe after september, which has been claimed by DS Anwar.maybe after Mahathir satisfied with his agenda, or maybe after malay people realize that they have shown their stupidness for the sake of power they fight for.

Just the beginning; Shadow will follow you

For the very first time people talk about themself. They are affraid of being chased by someone who they do not know the identity, why and what for chasing them so hard. keep chasing them no matter where the are going. Only stop when blacky has come. It is all bout yourself. Self arrogant, self stupidity, self ignorance and , too many bad self attitude toward ourselves that we cannot see from our blink of eyes.

People rather talk about others no matter how bad they are actually. They try very hard to push their guilty, madness, and even also their stupiduty to other people. As if they are all correct.

So please, check our inner side first before we talk about others.